This is the place that we love the best,
Our little brick house like a ground-birds nest.
The Pecan in the front shields and shades
As much as in Fall its fruit it sheds.
The large airy Family Room, is cozy enough for us five
But when with friends and family, there's enough room to Jive.
The Kitchen is the heart of the house and definitely an ol' soul,
Always obliging and serving its goal.
The Master is where the action happens, new stories are begun,
But just like any successful relationship, there's lot of work done!
The Kids Bedrooms are cute, just like each of them,
Their own personality and designs, shines through the mayhem.
The Backyards' our retreat, with trees, pool and hot tub,
The kids never tire of it, but maybe the neighbors do, from our ruckus! :)
So in my quiet office, in this house that I love the best,
I wish us good wishes and memories, and many more years well spent.